A flooded underpass at Castle Roundabout has been addressed as "a matter of urgency", according to National Highways.

A specialist engineer was brought in to "investigate the situation" after the south west section of the pedestrian walkway was closed off.

Rainwater had flooded the underpass and 'road closed' signs had to be put in place while it was drained.

Read more: Castle Roundabout underpass closed following flood

A National Highways spokesperson said the problem was looked into as "a matter of urgency", adding: "A specialist engineer investigated the situation and we’ve ensured our pump system is working at effectively to ensure this doesn’t happen again.

“We will continue to monitor the situation to ensure any disruptions are kept to a minimum."

National Highways is encouraging people to get in touch with it or the council immediately if they see any problems.

It also apologised for any inconvenience caused by the flooded underpass.

For some Journal readers, the underpass flood was unsurprising.

One Facebook user commented: "I remember it doing that 50 years ago when I lived in Hamilton Road!"

Another added: "It's a popular walkway to town and It’s always flooded!

"The river walkway also has a long diversion through the car park. It’s actually quicker to get a bus into town these days."