A MEMORIAL to a brother and sister who died after a crash on the A36 has been damaged for the third time in just seven months. 

Salli Crouch’s (previously Grant) children Jackson Watters, 17, and Millie Crouch, 12, were killed in a collision near Steeple Langford in October 2016.

The memorial near their home in Stoford offers a place where family and friends can come and pay their respects and remember them on birthdays, anniversaries and other important occasions. 

Upon driving past the site on November 10, a family member has discovered that the memorial has been vandalised for the third time since April.

Flowers have been ripped out, and memorial items at the site have been thrown around, with some taken.

The memorial was previously damaged in April with bulbs ripped up and flowers thrown around and items including two angels thrown over a bush into a field

The site was then again targeted sometime between July 11 and 23.

Salli previously told the Journal: "It is devastating. It is hard enough getting over the grief.

“It absolutely breaks my heart that someone can be so evil.”

It has been there for around five and a half years and up until this year there hadn’t been any incidents of the memorial being damaged.

PC Dean Wright said: “This is an incredibly personal site for the family and to have it repeatedly vandalised has caused a great deal of distress. 

“The family is understandably devastated by this third incident as it now feels personal, as opposed to being perpetrated my mindless youths.

“We are carrying out enquiries and would urge anyone with information to please get in touch.”

If you know anything about the damage, please call 101, quoting crime reference 54220119869.

Alternatively, you can call CrimeStoppers anonymously on 0800 555111.