WILTSHIRE Council's Southern Area Planning Committee is next week discussing plans for a big redevelopment in southwest Wiltshire. 

It will be recommended to refuse the plans by case officer Richard Hughes, due to issues such as access for pedestrians and cyclists, and the plans being contrary to the Tisbury Neighbourhood Plan. 

An outline planning application was submitted last year for the redevelopment of the Station Works site in Tisbury.

The application consists of a mixed development of up to 86 dwellings, a care home of up to 40 bedspaces with associated medical facilities, new pedestrian and vehicular access and traffic management works, a safeguarded area for any future rail improvements, and areas of public open space.

Tisbury Community Homes launched a public consultation on the plans last year.

The site is situated to the south of Tisbury and accessed via Jobbers Lane.

The group said the Station Road development proposed would replace an "existing outdated employment site" and provide 86 new homes to meet the local need in the area.

86 per cent of the properties would be houses while 14 per cent would be flats.

There would be a mix of one and two bedroom flats up to four bedroom family homes and two and three bedroom homes, according to the website.

In a statement it said: "The proposals will provide a mixed-use development of new family homes and a care home at the former Station Works site.

"The Care Home would provide a safe and secure home for older people within the village and provide approximately 120 quality jobs for local people.

"The proposed new homes would be provided directly to meet local needs for family homes, downsizers and to enable younger people to remain in the village.

"The development will also provide affordable housing to serve the local community."

In his report to the council, Mr Hughes said: "It has not been demonstrated that an acceptable and safe means of access for non-motorised users can be achieved to the site.

"Notwithstanding the highway access issues, the highway and field systems around the site have a history of flooding issues. The proposal envisages the access via Jobbers Lane which is located in Flood Zone 3. Therefore, if residents or the emergency services needed to access the site during the design flood they would need to pass through floodwater, during a flood event. The proposed walkway access will need to remain operational and safe for users in times of flood; result in no net loss of floodplain storage; not impede water flows, and not increase flood risk elsewhere."

The planning committee meeting takes place on Thursday, November 10, at 3pm, in the Wylye Meeting Room, at Five Rivers Health & Wellbeing Centre on Hulse Road. 

For more information on the plans, click here, and for more information about the meeting next, click here