THE latest league tables have proved just how fast standards have risen at Trafalgar School in Downton.

Staff were thrilled to hear that Key Stage 3 results released last week showed the biggest improvement in the West of England, and one of the biggest nationwide.

The crucial comparison was between pupil performance in the Year 9 Sats tests taken last year and those taken in 2004.

The aggregate score in English, maths and science was up 57 points, from 180 to 237.

The school also did better than the national average in terms of 'value added', meaning the improvement in pupils' achievements between their final year in primary school and the age of 14.

Assistant head teacher Rachael Faulkner said: "During the last five years the school has put in place a very effective system of monitoring and evaluation which has led to an increase in results at both Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4.

"Our core purpose is to make our students confident in their own abilities and know how to make the most of their potential.

"We are exceptionally pleased with the improvement and the recognition of all the hard work of students and staff.

"It is a real credit to all the people associated with the school, and we now look forward to our next challenge - to build on this improvement. The sky's the limit!"

For all the Key Stage 3 results, click here.