A BUMPY first year for one of the most expensive community projects ever delivered by East Dorset District Council is coming to an end and there are hopes for a brighter future.

The Hub in Verwood, which cost the council £2.75m, has had difficulties attracting enough custom but troubleshooters have been brought in and changes introduced and it is thought it will reach the end of the financial year in credit.

A spokesman said: "The Hub's first year has been eventful and a huge amount of hard work has been put into the planning and delivery of theservice and operation of the Hub by Trustees, Staff and Volunteers with support from East Dorset District Council.

"To enable the Hub to deliver it's Community objectives, there will be a new business focus for hosting conferences and training seminars for the business community over the next 3 year business plan. This emphasis will enable the Hub to become self-financing in the future and sustain a diverse programme of activities and entertainment for the community.

The Hub was officially opened on March 12 last year, offering a large hall with a stage and retractable seating, the Bistro, space for community activities and conference facilities.

The district council paid for the development and building of The Hub before handing it over to the Verwood Hub Community Centre Association, and the town council has also committed £30,000 towards running costs for 2007/8.

But it has been a rocky road and the district council had to send in two officers specialising in management and marketing in October last year, to help get it back on the right road.

At a meeting of Verwood Town Council last month councillors were told the financial situation was still rocky' but that there were hopes more conferences held at the centre could help support community activities.

Cllr Michael Dolan, who is a trustee of The Hub, said: "It is true that the trustees did decide that revenue comes from the business side.

"It is necessary for the facility to be able to continue to offer a community service and to subsidise community groups and events. It is about the only option available to them."