Electric car owners visiting and living in Salisbury have complained about the city's "almost extinct" charging facilities.

BP Pulse provide electric car charging facilities in Wiltshire Council-owned car parks in Salisbury but only one of its locations has working chargers - Salisbury District Hospital.

Drivers can use the BP Pulse app of their smartphones to locate charging points, yet it shows Five Rivers Leisure Centre as 'out of service'.

Salisbury Journal: Inside the BP Pulse appInside the BP Pulse app

Ross Chapell, 29, owns a hybrid electric car and lives in Warminster but visits family in Salisbury.

He said he usually only uses electric, adding: "I'm trying not to use petrol and be economic but when the council tries to push electric charging and there aren’t actually any to use, it’s stupid."

Andy Snell, another electric car owner from Salisbury, contacted the Journal. Describing the charging facilities in Salisbury as "nearly extinct", he added: "There are no rapid chargers in Salisbury, the closest are in Amesbury."

Salisbury Journal: The charging facilities at Five Rivers Leisure Centre in Salisbury.The charging facilities at Five Rivers Leisure Centre in Salisbury.

Pod Point is another electric vehicle charging provider in Salisbury with four working facilities at Tesco on Southampton Road.

Cllr Laura Mayes, deputy leader of Wiltshire Council, said: "As a council we are committed to supporting the move to more sustainable travel. Electric Vehicle Charge Points (EVCPs) in Wiltshire Council car parks are currently provided by BP Pulse who charge their customers a monthly fee for using their network. 

"BP Pulse advised us that their charging units were in need of replacement but were not prepared to replace the machines without a long term commitment from the council. 

"Last year we approved a new electric vehicle charging infrastructure plan and carried out a survey to identify the requirements for EVCPs across all our car parks. We offered to pay for the repairs while this survey was carried out and we retendered the contract.

Wiltshire Council say a new contractor has been appointed and inspections are taking place this week.

"It is hoped the new fast chargers will be available in our car parks over the next few months, with the replacement of rapid chargers commencing in around six months’ time," added Cllr Mayes.

'It doesn’t make forward-thinking sense'

Mr Chapell said until "about two weeks ago" he was using the facilities at Britford park and ride, but they no longer work.

"The only way you can charge your car in Salisbury now is at the hospital and it’s one of the most expensive car parks in the city.

"When you’re trying to move in the direction of renewable energy, it doesn’t make forward-thinking sense from the council to not have anything," added Mr Chapell.

The Journal approached BP Pulse for comment but did not get a reply.

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