A CAIRN to honour the war dead who are buried in Compton Chamberlayne is to be erected with the aid of a Lottery grant.

The monument will overlook the graves and house a booklet containing detailed histories of all the soldiers interred there.

The £13,000 grant from the Heritage Lottery Fund will also enable the entrance to the burial ground to be marked by an engraved portal stone, and access to be improved.

Local firm, Nadder Valley Landscaping, will carry out the work and hopes to have it completed in time for ANZAC Day on April 25.

The burial ground contains the remains of 28 Australian and six British soldiers who died during World War One.

Compton Chamberlayne Parish meeting initiated the project to enhance their graves, and was put in touch with Australian researcher, Chris Munro, who had a particular interest in war graves in the Nadder Valley.

It found Mrs Munro had already researched the history of the Compton Chamberlayne graves and was in the process of producing the booklet on them which will now be available to visitors.