This month offers us three infrequent events, all of which will define our life in the Cathedral and are worth noting.

It's extremely rare for Lent to begin in the first week of February. This year Ash Wednesday appears only three days after we will have removed the Christmas crib from the Spire Crossing.

The Cathedral encourages a seasonal rhythm to our life in order that the hopeful themes of eternity can imprint themselves on our daily round; to help us implant in our common tasks a mindfulness of God's greater designs. But each of us will find ourselves needing to do some swift seasonal adjustments from our celebration of the incarnation of Jesus Christ to our penitential preparations for Easter without much pause for breath.

Alongside the seasonal habits there is always the day to day management of our schedules.

The Cathedral's diary is similar to our own personal calendar with busy patches and even more busy patches, and demands which sometimes crowd on top on one another.

Our 750th anniversary year is full of rich events, unusual guests and causes for great rejoicing.

All of which loads a lot of pressure on the building and quality of the atmosphere within this sacred space - not to mention staff and volunteers! In recognition of what lies ahead of us we've restricted this Lenten time and apart from a few select exceptions we're allowing only our routine and diocesan worship to fill our days.

This isn't just about protecting sacred space but it also has a very practical aspect to it.

It's at this time of year we need to schedule vital maintenance, or archaeological digs in the nave!

The month is defined by the season and by the diary, both of which reflect our priorities.

We seek to attach our mood and our time to the things which matter, and will enhance our well-being. But this is also a leap year and we have that additional day at the end of the month which only appears every fourth year.

Call it serendipity. February 29 reminds us that however carefully we manage our lives, however important the seasons, we also need space in our lives for the unexpected, the things which come our way as gifts, the unpredictable blessings of February.

June Osborne, Dean