'Odyssey' (January 19-February 29) marks the start of Salisbury Cathedral's 750th anniversary celebrations.

Some thirty wooden figures, 2 metres tall, will be featured in the West End of the Cathedral.

In the week beginning February 18 artist Robert Koenig will carve a Salisbury' figure from a local tree donated by the Wilton Estate.

It is fitting that this Salisbury' figure will also represent the Cathedral's own celebrations of its past.

Salisbury 750 Conference (March 26 - 28) organised by Salisbury Cathedral takes place at Salisbury & South Wilts Museum.

A group of leading academics will be addressing not only the architecture and archaeology of the building but also the life of the institution, its music and liturgy.

The conference fee is just £125.00 per person and includes all lectures, a ticket to the drinks reception on Wednesday evening, morning coffee, buffet lunch and afternoon tea on Thursday and Friday, and a three course conference dinner on Thursday in the Refectory Restaurant. Bookings are now coming in fast so please be sure to secure your place by calling (01722) 555120.

Sing-a-long-a Joseph (March 29) Sing-a-Long-a Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat is another exciting event being held at Salisbury Cathedral as part of its 750th anniversary celebrations.

The classic film with on screen lyrics means everyone can join in for a sing-a-long' to musical hits such as "Close Every Door", and "Any Dream Will Do"! Fancy dress is certainly encouraged as there will be a competition where the best costumes are chosen by the audience.

Sing-a-Long-a Joseph will be held in the Cathedral at 7.30pm. For tickets call Salisbury Playhouse on (01722) 320333. Tickets £12.00 - £15.00.

Stations of the Cross (February 6 - March 28) A modern interpretation of the Stations of the Cross through a series of paintings by Mark Cazalet in the North Nave aisle and North Transept.

For more details of all the special 750 events please call (01722) 555120 or visit www.salisbury750.co.uk.