After many years of thought, trials and consultation, Salisbury Cathedral is now in the process of installing a much-wanted new font.

The font, designed by the world renowned water-feature sculptor William Pye, will be placed opposite the North Porch entrance at what is known as the North Porch crossing.

As the installation of the font will entail an underground reservoir, pump housing, water supply and drainage, the Cathedrals Fabric Commission for England (C.F.C.E.) asked that an archaeological dig be undertaken to check that nothing of archaeological significance be disturbed or destroyed.

At the time of writing the dig is under way, being carried out by C a m b r i a n Archaeological Projects led by Kevin Blockley, with just one empty grave having been located. It is thought this was disturbed in the 19th century.

The archaeologists have taken up the 1858 floor, which proved very difficult, and have reached the medieval construction levels. Once full permission from C.F.C.E. has been received, the font will be installed during September 2008 in time to celebrate the 750th anniversary of the dedication of the Cathedral at the end of that month.