The Edward Heath Memorial Piano Recital
Internationally-renowned pianist John Lill will give the inaugural Edward Heath Memorial Piano Recital in the Cathedral on Saturday February 16 at 7.30pm on its new Blüthner concert grand piano.
The programme includes Mozart Sonata in F, K332; Schumann Carnival de Vienne', Op 26; Prokofiev Toccata, Op 11; Brahms Three Intermezzi, Op 117; and Beethoven Sonata in F minor, Op 57, the "Appassionata".
Tickets cost £20.00, £16.00 & £12.00, from Salisbury Playhouse box office (01722) 320333 and at the door.

Salisbury Cathedral Choir in Concert
The boys and men of Salisbury Cathedral Choir travel to St Nicholas Church, Abbotsbury, to give a concert on Monday March 3 at 7.30pm.
The concert is to raise funds for the smaller St Peter's Church in nearby Langton Herring.
Tickets, price £7.00 (adults) and £4.00 (children under 12 yrs) are available from Judy Barrett, call (01305) 871286.A Glorious Tradition of Music
The girl choristers and men of Salisbury Cathedral Choir visit All Saints Parish Church, Whiteparish, on Monday February 11 at 7.30pm to give a special recital A Glorious Tradition of Music.
Tickets, price £10.00 (£6.00 for U16), to include refreshments afterwards, are available from Whiteparish Village Stores, telephone (01794) 884221 or Norman and Sue Savage on (01794) 884258.Good Friday Concert St John Passion - JS Bach, Friday March 21 at 7.00pm.
Bach's telling of Christ's crucifixion provides the most perfect preparation for Easter.
Salisbury Cathedral Choir, Sarum Orchestra, David Halls - conductor. Tickets £18.00, £15.00, £12.50 (reserved), £10.00 (unreserved) from Salisbury Playhouse box office, (01722) 320333.Salisbury Cathedral Choir Voice Trials 2008
The next voice trials for girls in Years 3 and 4 who would like to join Salisbury Cathedral Choir will be held on Saturday February 9.
The choristers rehearse and sing most days during term-time and the rewards are immeasurable. For further information please call (01722) 555148.