For some time the Cathedral's clergy have been thinking about the process of Christian formation'.

How do Christ's followers, as individuals and as communities, get moulded in his image? Too often what should be a lifelong process has been portrayed as a series of detached events: for example baptism, confirmation, Sunday worship, Lent courses.

However important these events are, they need to be integrated into a common pattern and process of living.

And so this Lent we will be embarking on a new venture which brings together the seasonal development from Ash Wednesday to Pentecost, preparation for baptism and confirmation, Sunday worship, meeting for reflection and study, and sharing hospitality.

We have lifted the title of the familiar hymn and themes from within it, as a reminder both of the fundamentals of Christian living and also of the lively corporate nature of faith.

Special focus will be given to four Sundays in Lent (February 10, 17, 24 and March 9) when the sermon at the Eucharist will lead into discussion over lunch of the themes of creation, incarnation, redemption, and living the gospel.

Sharing with others who are at different stages in their own formation should help all of us to get further into that dance of a lifetime (and of eternity).

For further information please contact Liturgy and Music, 33 The Close, Salisbury, SP1 2EJ or please call(01722) 555125.