A SOUTH Wiltshire vicar has had his licence revoked and been given just three months to leave the vicarage where he has lived for more than 25 years following a parish merger.

Reverend Tom Curry, vicar of Donhead St Andrew, Donhead St Mary and Charlton parishes, has been asked to find another posting as the Salisbury Diocese wants to combine the parishes with those of Semley, East Knoyle and Sedgehill.

Angry villagers packed out the Remembrance Hall in Charlton last Sunday evening to hear the Bishop of Ramsbury and the Archdeacon of Sarum explain the church's reasons.

Churchwarden, Sir Simon Cooper, introduced the meeting. He said: "There are feelings of shock and distress from a wide section of this community."

Addressing the bishop, he asked: "Why did the diocese give the Rev Curry such short notice? Why were the churchwardens not consulted, and why was the Rev Curry told not to share the news with anyone after his meeting with the Bishop of Salisbury in September last year?"

The Bishop of Ramsbury said the decision had been discussed as far back as 1995, when the Rev Curry was informed the amalgamation would happen.

At that time, according to the bishop, he was advised to start looking, continually and seriously, for a new post.

One villager put the point that the previous Archdeacon of Sarum had given a commitment, in writing, that this amalgamation would not take place until such time as the Rev Curry wished to leave his position.

The bishop responded that the current bishop had the right to alter policy, and apologised to the churchwardens for the lack of consultation.

He said: "Putting our emphasis on working with Rev Tom Curry about his future, we took our eyes off the ball.

"We wish to offer both the churchwardens and the parish church councils an unreserved apology. This was neither deliberate nor malicious, it was just that our attention was focused on Rev Curry. Again, I sincerely apologise for this."

He said the Rev Curry's ministry is not being questioned at all, and they are waiting for him to come back to the bishop with ideas for continuing his ministry, and that he has access to both the Bishop of Salisbury and the archdeacon at all times.

He also cited a shortage of vicars generally in the Church of England and that it was, therefore, necessary to amalgamate more parishes.

One villager said: "An apology is not enough. If there are not enough vicars, why get rid of one?"

Another said: "This does not seem a very Christian way to behave, especially given the fact the Rev Curry has only four years to go until retirement. He will lose his home and his income.

"This is a moral issue - why is a promise made by a previous bishop being reneged on?

"The Bishop of Salisbury must be asked to reconsider."

The Bishop of Ramsbury responded by saying: "I shall most certainly tell the Bishop of Salisbury how angry you all are."

He was asked to ensure a decision was made before the end of this month.

Reverend Curry did not attend the meeting.