TWO teenage girls were attacked as they walked through the Cathedral Close in Salisbury.

They noticed a woman cycle past them and when they reached Harnham Gate she was waiting for them.

The woman grabbed the older girl by the hair and slapped her around the head and face five times while demanding her mobile phone.

The 19-year-old ran away and the attacker tried to grab her 18-year-old friend.

Both girls escaped in the direction of Harnham Road where a passer-by noticed their distress and gave them a lift home.

The woman who attacked them was in her mid 30s. She wore a white, hip-length puffer jacket and white bobble hat. She spoke with a local accent and was riding an older style woman's bike.

The incident happened on Wednesday, February 6 at 6.20pm.

Police say the girls were shocked and upset by the attack and are asking any witnesses to call Salisbury police station on 0845 4087000 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555111.