SEATBELTS can reduce the chance of serious injury by 50 per cent and Dorset Police is urging all car occupants to buckle up as part of a Europe-wide seatbelt enforcement drive.

The European Traffic Police Network (TISPOL) campaign will is taking place across Europe this week.

Dorset Police traffic officers are supporting the campaign by targeting car occupants across the county to ensure they are wearing seatbelts.

Dorset Police Traffic Co-ordinator, Inspector Malcolm Wilcox, said: "This year marks the 25th anniversary of seatbelt use becoming compulsory. Research, and experience, shows that the use of seatbelts is a highly effective way of reducing serious and fatal injuries to car occupants. I urge anyone travelling in a vehicle to stay safe and buckle up.

"Worryingly, we often see people travelling in rear seats who are not wearing seatbelts. This is extremely dangerous because if a collision were to occur, the impact can propel the passenger forward, causing injury to whoever may be sitting in the front seats. This could even prove fatal."

Research states that, if worn, seatbelts can reduce the chance of fatal or serious injury by 50 per cent. For children, this increases to 90 per cent for rear facing car seats and 60 per cent for forward facing car seats.

Inspector Wilcox added: "We are fully committed to making the roads of Dorset safer and ask people to use their common sense and buckle up when travelling in a car."