I SAW something rare in Tisbury last week - a plastic shopping bag. Actually, I saw two of them.

One of them was produced reluctantly from beneath a counter for a young shopper who had just bought some groceries and - unlike the line of customers behind her - had nothing to put them in.

The other was a scrunched ball pulled from a haversack and smoothed out for use - clearly it had been recycled for similar use on a number of previous occasions.

As far as plastic bags go in Tisbury, the writing is on the walls.

Up and down the High Street, posters proclaim the village's intention to become a plastic bag free zone from January 1 of this year - the first village in Wiltshire to do so.

Today, it's clear that the majority of shoppers have embraced the concept with enthusiasm as villagers brandish their green credentials - canvas and jute bags, wheeled trolleys and wicker baskets - like badges of honour.

Anyone who has strayed onto the High Street bagless can purchase one of the reusable cloth bags supplied by Wiltshire Wildlife Trust for £1.25 from any of the 16 outlets in town, which support the scheme.

The retired Bishop of Bath and Wells, John Bickersteth, who lives on the fringes of the village, is behind the initiative.

He said: "The breakthrough came when the Co-op, the only supermarket in town, agreed to come on board.

"I then spoke to the traders, nearly all of whom were really enthusiastic and said they would join in. "It's going jolly well and it's working, there's no doubt about it. "You walk up and down the High Street and you hardly see a plastic bag. which is most encouraging."

De-Liz delicatessen owner Liz Crossley, who has been selling her own reusable jute bags since early last year, says it's all a question of re-educating people to remember their bags.

"Tisbury has been very good - it's astounding how many people are carrying their own bags," she says.

Janet Amos, who works at Tisbury post office, said: "This initiative is definitely something that the people here want.

"As a village we have quite a few environmental schemes running, like our community composting site, and this ban on bags will add a new dimension. So long as traders refuse to give out plastic bags, the message will go home."

Modbury in Devon was the first place in the country to go bagless last April, prompting calls from all over Britain for advice on how to follow suit.

It's a popular trend - last week news came of a Chinese government proposal to ban production of ultra-thin plastic bags from June.

Prime Minister Gordon Brown recently announced he is backing the campaign to eliminate them, while supermarkets have committed to reducing the environmental impact of their bags by 25 per cent by the end of 2008.

About 13 billion single-use plastic bags are distributed each year in Britain, but cutting their usage by a quarter would reduce CO2 emissions by as much as 63 tonnes a year - equivalent to taking 18,000 cars off the road. According to Wiltshire Wildlife Trust, we use a plastic bag for an average of 12 minutes before disposing of it into landfill sites where it will take 500-1,000 years to break down.

But not everyone has bought into the scheme.

Cheryl Ingram who works at the green grocers, which sells loose petfood and vegetables, explains that it's not always practical to put everything into one bag.

"Nobody wants their meat and potatoes in with the cheese," she says. Ted Martin, of Tisbury's Ted Martin Flowers, says that there has to be room for flexibility as long as the principle is accepted.

Bishop Bickersteth accepts it might take a while before everybody gets into the swing of it.

He said: "It'll be a bit messy around the edges for a while, but we're betting that in two years' time, anyone seen carrying a plastic bag around town will look like an odd one out."