A POLICE search is being carried out for a 79-year-old Tisbury man, who went missing from Salisbury District Hospital last night.

Gerald Freeth, a married man from The Paddock, Tisbury, has not been seen since 8.30pm when he left the ward where he had been receiving treatment during the past four days.

Mr Freeth is white, bald, about 5ft 7ins tall and of slim build. He left the hospital ward wearing a light coloured waist-length coat, light coloured shoes and may have had on blue trousers. He may also have been wearing a flat cap and carrying a silver carrier bag, containing his possessions. He has very little money with him.

He is medically unwell and in need of hospital attention, added to which he is not dressed for the current cold weather. He is a very independent person but has recently been in a confused state of mind and is like to be disorientated.

Searches of the hospital and surrounding areas have been carried out and searches around Mr Freeth's home, and village, are currently being carried out by police officers and tracker dogs.

Insp Chris Martin, who is leading the search, told the Journal today: "We are very concerned about Mr Freeth. He is not in good health and we would very much like to find him so we can ensure that he receives the medical treatment he needs. I would like to stress that Mr Freeth is not in any trouble but police and his family are anxious about his well-being, due to his age, ill health and the cold weather."

Anyone who has seen Mr Freeth, or who has any information which may help to trace him is asked to contact Wiltshire police on 0845 408 7000 or, if preferred, anonymously, on the Crimestoppers line on 0800 555111.