PEOPLE are being urged to watch out for sleepy spring toads hopping across the road after a rise in traffic-related amphibian deaths.

Due to the increasingly warm weather, more and more common toads are leaving their winter sleeping quarters to migrate to their breeding ponds. But many are being killed as they attempt to hop across roads.

The problem is at its worst in Gorley Road near Poulner Junior School, where toads are trying to reach the surrounding lakes in order to spawn.

According to Teresa Baker, in charge of a toad patrol in the area for nearly 18 years, the toads start crossing at dusk and continue crossing all night, making it very difficult for them to be spotted by motorists.

She said: "It's amazing how many people just aren't aware of the devastating situation that can occur on these roads at this time of year."

The site is a registered toad crossing and wildlife charity Frog Life, along with Teresa, are appealing for more volunteers to help with their campaign, Toads on the Roads.

"I just wish more people in Ringwood would be willing to spare the odd hour a few times a year to help us save the toads", said Teresa.

To sign up as a volunteer contact Frog Life on 01733 558844.