VALENTINE'S gifts and cards may make someone's day but they can also make an impact on the environment.

East Dorset District Council is urging residents to make this Valentine's Day a green one by recycling cards and packaging.

Over 12 million cars are sent in the UK each year and the council has issued some tips to help minimise their impact on the world around us.

Waste reduction manager Gemma Coles said: "Valentine's Day could cost the earth this year, in more ways than one! However, with a bit of pre-planning this needn't be the case. "

"Residents should consider buying their loved one flowers that can be re-planted in their garden or home composted. And, when wrapping their present, make sure it has a minimum of packaging and the paper is recycled. Remember to reduce, reuse and recycle and you won't go far wrong. Plus, it's the thought that counts."

When buying a card for your loved one:

- Choose a locally made card, rather than one that's been mass produced and travelled a long way to reach you.

- Choose a card with little or no glitter - these are easier to recycle.

- Make your own card - you might get extra points for effort.

- Go traditional and write your own love note.

- Send an e-card.

When buying a present for that special someone: - Buy locally made gifts, fair-trade goods, items made from recycled materials and with minimum packaging.

- Buy a gift experience for someone.

If cooking a meal: - Choose local produce with little or no packaging.

- Compost all fruit and vegetable peelings.

- Don't cook more food than you need.

- If you have a brown bin, you can use it to compost unwanted food waste.

For more details about what you can recycle call East Dorset District Council Waste Reduction Team on 01202 886201.