BULLYING can affect any child of any age and at Ringwood Infants pupils have been learning more about the issues involved and the damage it can do.

School Theatre group Gripping Yarns were at the school to help youngsters in years one and two learn through story telling, drama and other creative means.

Headteacher Jean Thomson said: "The children had a wonderful morning and thoroughly enjoyed the drama workshop. The sensitive subject of bullying was dealt with effectively and highlighted the children's responsibilities to this issue."

Gripping Yarns is an association of storytellers that works in schools addressing personal and social education themes or using stories as a stimulus to creative writing, craft and art work, meeting objectives laid out in the national curriculum.

The work aims to challenge and stretch the audience and is supported by follow-up workshops exploring themes and skills highlighted in performance, and teacher's notes or web diagrams indicating cross-curricular follow up activities.