TEENAGERS in Ringwood are hoping the town council will give the go-ahead to a scheme intended to relieve their boredom.

The council's recreation, leisure and open spaces committee is set to discuss proposals for an under-18s nightclub in the town, to try and combat the problem of under-age drinking.

According to a report put together by the council's student advisers, Hannah Madge and Beth Scrivens, more than 65 per cent of young people feel there is not a lot to do to keep them occupied.

With under-age binge drinking often linked to youngsters not having anything to do or anywhere to go in the evenings, the council agreed to provide funds to support a disco.

Beth, 17 said: "It's going to be a no alcohol, no smoking venue. I really want to see it up and running before the summer."

And Hannah, 18, added: "The under-18s are the ones who don't have the money to get to places like Bournemouth or Southampton where there are more things to do."

They are hoping members of the committee will give permission for them to take the idea further by looking into a number of venues so they can establish running and advertising costs.

Surprisingly, nearly half of the youngsters that were surveyed rejected suggestions that the club nights should include alcohol sales to 18-year-olds in order to allow friendship groups to have a night out together.

The report suggests the night club should be an event for 13 to 17-year-olds, taking place once a month on a Friday or Saturday night with a mix of local bands and DJs.

If it is successful then the girls hope to increase the frequency of the club nights depending on demand and costs.