POLICE in Hampshire will be on the lookout for underage drinkers over half term and anyone under 18 found with alcohol will have it confiscated.

Extra officers will be on patrol in the county from February 16 - 22 as part of the national Home Office campaign to target local areas where young people gather and cause crime and anti-social behaviour.

Inspector Alistair Nichols, Hampshire Constabulary's Force Alcohol Harm Reduction Lead said: "Drunken teenagers are more likely to cause criminal damage and anti-social behaviour so police officers across Hampshire and Isle of Wight will be confiscating alcohol from under 18s before the situation gets out of hand."

Police will aim to reduce the levels of alcohol related crime or disorder using powers contained within the Confiscation of Alcohol (Young Persons) Act 1997 and the Directions to Leave' power under section 27 of the Violent Crime Reduction Act 2006.

Police are also able to use this opportunity to gather information regarding the young people's ability to access alcohol locally in order that follow up enquiries can be made with any identified licensed premises or through parents.

It is an offence for adults to buy alcohol for under 18s, they could receive an £80 fixed penalty notice or end up in court and fined up to £5,000.

Professor John Newton, Regional Director of Public Health, NHS South Central said: "Underage drinking is a real concern for the NHS. The damage that drinking causes at such a young age is a tragedy and can easily be under estimated by the young people concerned.

"What is also concerning is that more and more children aged 16 and under are drinking and being admitted to hospital as a result."

The Home Office campaign is running nationally from 8 to 27 February 2008.