THE funeral of a young father found dead at his Fordingbridge home is being held in the town today.

Friends and family of 23-year-old Shaun Wells, pictured, of Whitsbury Road, will gather at St Mary's Parish Church to say their final farewells to the former Burgate School pupil, who died on January 20.

The keen footballer and Manchester United fan, who worked in the building trade and had a young son, was well known in Fordingbridge and had been out with friends in the town the night he died.

Following his death his parents said: "Shaun will be sadly missed by his family and numerous friends, we hope something can be gained by this tragic loss of life at such a young age and that lessons can be learnt to prevent another needless death in the future."

Ian Kirby, deputy headteacher of The Burgate School, said: "We were shocked and saddened to hear of his death.

Even though he left school nearly eight years ago, many of the teachers and other members of staff have fond memories of him, especially those who worked most closely with him."

The cause of death is not yet known and results from toxicology tests are not expected until later this month.

Following the incident three men were arrested on suspicion of supplying a controlled substance and released on police bail pending further inquiries.

Anyone with information which may assist police with their investigation is asked to contact CID at Lyndhurst police station on 0845 045 45 45 quoting Operation Gomasio, or call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.

The funeral service was held at St Mary's Parish Church in Fordingbridge yesterday morning.