A SALISBURY councillor says he would like to see a piece of community art or even a Banksy brighten up an area near the railway station.

The Salisbury Station forecourt is be revamped as part of the award of £9.4 million from central government through the Future High Streets Fund.

Proposals intend to make the railway station forecourt more attractive and accessible.

Proposed works include enhancing the area with improved landscaping, street furniture, lighting and signage to encourage tourists and visitors into the city centre, along with more sustainable travel facilities such as bus stops, better access for pedestrians and cyclists and bicycle parking.

During a presentation to Salisbury City Council earlier this month, Cllr Jeremy Nettle, speaking about the area along South Western Road, said: “Wouldn’t it be fantastic to have a Banksy or local community art up there.”

Salisbury Journal:

There would be an opportunity to engage with local groups like the Fisherton History Society on such a project, he continued, which was echoed by Cllr Ian Tomes.

“Let’s let the community decide what that project should be,” said Cllr Nettle.

“I really would ask, and if funding is an issue maybe we could take it to the area board and try and get some funding that way. I just think that’s what’s missing.

“When you come out of that station it’s a pretty awful presence.”

Salisbury Journal:

Cllr Paul Sample raised concerns about an area near the Fisherton railway bridge adding: “This is the time to sort out that dreadful mess that runs up the side of the railway wall which has been an eyesore for generations and has got worse and worse.

"It’s an embarrassment that it’s used as a waste dump. This is a chance to sort that out because it is the first thing that people come and see when they walk into Salisbury.”

Salisbury Journal:

He also supported the comments made about the contribution community artists and urged Wiltshire Council to use local artists.

Carli van Niekerk, the major highways project engineer for Wiltshire Council explained that some elements of the project had to removed when less funding was awarded but the team were looking to get additional funding for murals and a green wall had also been mentioned as an alternative. She also said there could be opportunities for some art on the railway bridge.

Cllr Nettle told the Journal discussions over a potential community art project would be held, but it would would require permission from South Western Railway.


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