BICYCLES, shopping trollies and a bed frame were just some of the items found during a clean up one of the city's rivers. 

Serve On's Salisbury Community Resilience Team (CRT) turned out clear the River of littter and debris on Thursday evening. 

They were working from 7pm until 9pm. Starting in The Maltings and working in two teams, they cleared two tributaries of the river, up stream from the Bishops Mill pub to Mill Stream Approach.

Salisbury Journal:

The team made up of volunteers were fully kitted out in PPE and used their skills in water and flood rescue training to complete the task safely.

The charity says the volunteers did an "excellent job and fished out all manner of things including, bicycles, shopping trolleys, a bed frame and a multitude of other items".

Salisbury Journal:

The debris was left in piles for the council to pick up in the morning.

Barrie Sinclair-Kemp, Serve On's community resilience team manager said: "We are always more than happy to assist our local community with tasks such as this, to help create a better environment for local wildlife and residents.”

The team were also joined on the evening by Salisbury MP John Glen MP, Councillor Sven Hocking and Lynne Davies from Salisbury City Council who contributed to the clean-up efforts.

Salisbury CRT will be back in action next Thursday evening giving another section of the River Avon a clean up.



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