BUSINESSES are being encouraged to sign up to an event to help them boost exports to customers overseas.

The Parliamentary Export Programme, established by the Department for International Trade (DIT), sees local MPs of all parties hosting events across the country to help businesses maximise export opportunities and benefit from overseas demand for British products and services.

Via a series of events organised throughout 2021, John Glen will be helping businesses in Salisbury explore how they can begin or grow their international sales and receive government support while doing it. MPs will organise and chair virtual meetings with experts from business and government.

John Glen MP said: "It is not enough that businesses merely survive the pandemic and the post-Brexit period. I believe it is crucial that the government does all it can to support their recovery and help them tap new opportunities. I am delighted to be hosting DIT events that will help businesses in Salisbury and South Wiltshire access information, advice and support to thrive on the international stage.

“I am committed to ensuring that firms in South Wiltshire are at the forefront of using the available services to help us get back on our feet after the pandemic.

“All the events I’m organising are completely free – businesses just need to register. The events will include advice from recognised experts and experienced exporters on issues including government supported working capital and the practicalities of post-Brexit trade.

“Regardless of the prior experience of a business in exporting, participating in the programme will equip firms with the support and tools they need to begin or continue their exporting journey.”

The first event will take place online from 2pm to 3pm, on Friday, February 12.

To register for Friday’s meeting and for more information or to register interest for future events, businesses should visit: