APPLICATIONS for development received in week ending December 18.


20/10322/OUT - Land adjacent One Oak, Lights Lane, Alderbury, SP5 3AL.

Outline application with some matters reserved for erection of two detached dwellings, garaging and associated works (access and layout only).


20/10562/FUL- 34 Salisbury Road, Amesbury, SP4 7HL.

Single storey rear extension to form granny annexe.


20/10487/FUL - Little Misselfore, Bowerchalke, SP5 5BZ.

Erection of Alton Victorian style cedar greenhouse in upper part of garden.


20/10768/TCA - Phoenix Cottage, North Street, Broad Chalke, SP5 5EN.

Yew Tree remove 2 to 3 meters around tree.


20/10130/FUL - Clouds Garden Lodge, The Green, East Knoyle SP3 6BN.

The demolition of an existing bungalow and the construction of two independent, single storey garden buildings.


20/10210/FUL- Albany House, High Street, Hindon, SP3 6DP.

Replace and extend existing patio with new slabwork, install rainwater drain interceptors, resite and replace existing garden steps. Extension of existing internal storey corridor to create a lobby area with replacement wooden external door and erection of wooden side entrance gate.


20/10269/VAR - Porton Science Park, Porton, SP4 0JG.

Variation of Condition 6 of 15/12526/REM (Particulars of Development: - Reserved matters application the erection of single and two storey office/laboratory buildings and a creche, internal access roads, car parking and associated external works and landscaping) to alter the design.


20/10394/FUL - 73 Church Road, Laverstock, SP1 1QZ. New garage


20/10482/FUL - Church Farm, Townsend, Pitton, SP5 1DH.

Single storey rear extension.


20/10046/FUL - 5 Lovett Green, SP1 3HZ.

Removal of lawned front garden and concrete pathway. Laying of block paving to create parking for a car. Install drop kerbs to allow access to paved area.

20/10318/FUL - Queens House, 1 Fish Row, SP1 1AH.

Conversion of first floor of existing retail units to create two apartments.

20/10375/FUL - Prebendal House, Stratford Road, Stratford Sub Castle, SP1 3LL.

Extensions, alterations and refurbishment of Prebendal House and garage.

20/10535/FUL 95 Exeter Street, SP1 2SF’. Remove dilapidated brick shed and replace with two free standing sheds.

20/10566/FUL 77 Downton Road, Harnham, SP2 8AT.

Erection of two storey extension to side of property.

20/11322/TCA - Britford Lane East, SP2 8AL.

Prune hedge of Beech Trees so growth does not overhang footpath to a height of 2.1m off the surface.


20/09911/FUL - The Grange, Maddington Street, Shrewton, SP3 4JL.

Demolition of redundant agricultural building and replace with a two bedroom dwelling house.

20/10339/FUL - The Royal Oak, Amesbury Road, Shrewton, SP3 4HD.

Proposed demolition and conversion of existing buildings into new dwelling and erection of five new dwellings with associated landscaping.