A round-up of cases from Salisbury Magistrates Court:

SZYMON KRASZYNSKI, aged 25, of Barnard Field, Amesbury, pleaded guilty to driving while exceeding the legal alcohol limit. On July 5 he was driving an Audi along Earls Court Road in Amesbury with 88 microgrammes of alcohol in every 100 millilitres of breath. He was fined £400 and was ordered to pay a surcharge to fund victim services of £40 and costs of £85. The defendant was also disqualified from holding a driving licence for 44 months.

MICHAEL OLDFIELD, aged 39, of Aughton in Collingbourne Kingston, pleaded guilty to trespassing in Salisbury Plain Training Area. The incident took place on February 20 when Oldfield entered Area 18, without reasonable excuse, with a single barrelled shotgun. He was discharged conditionally for six months and was ordered to pay a surcharge to fund victim services of £21 and costs of £85.

THOMAS PROSSER, aged 36, of Downton Road, Salisbury, pleaded guilty to driving while exceeding the legal alcohol limit. On May 9 he was driving a Fiat along St. Ann Street in Salisbury with 53 microgrammes of alcohol in every 100 millilitres of breath. He was fined £500 and was ordered to pay a surcharge to fund victim services of £50 and costs of £85. The defendant was also disqualified from holding a driving licence for 15 months.

GEOFFREY EDWARDS, aged 62, of Sunset Road, Totton, pleaded guilty to driving while exceeding the legal alcohol limit. On June 7 he was driving a Mercedes along Churchill Way West in Salisbury with 46 microgrammes of alcohol in every 100 millilitres of breath. He was fined £120 and was ordered to pay a surcharge to fund victim services of £34 and costs of £85. Edwards was also disqualified from holding a driving licence for 14 months.

STUART BOXALL, aged 53, of St Peters Close, Shipton Bellinger, pleaded guilty to driving under the influence of cannabis. The incident took place in Tidworth on September 23 last year when Boxall was driving a Fiat Fiorino along an unnamed road between Bulford Road, Shipton Bellinger, and the A338. He indicated a plea of guilty to possessing herbal cannabis. Boxall was fined £250 and was ordered to pay a surcharge to fund victim services of £32 and costs of £85. He was disqualified from holding a driving licence for 12 months.