The family of a 16-year-old boy who was “left for dead” after being beaten up on his way to school - apparently by mystery “masked men” - have issued a desperate plea for information to get justice.

Cameron McCafferty suffered a brain bleed, a suspected broken eye socket and three fractures in his shoulder as a result of the assault on October 1.

That morning, the Sarum Academy pupil took the number 2 bus from Shrewton and got off at the Skew Bridge on Wilton Road.

He was allegedly assaulted by two masked men wearing black clothing, who chased him down the chalk pit.

His step-mum, Emiley McCafferty, said: “He started walking up the track and they led a chase on him, both of them. He’s a really fast runner and he ran over the fence to hide but after that it’s a complete mystery. He was found unconscious at the back of the school field during the school break.”

After being found more than two hours later, Cameron was taken to Salisbury District Hospital for x-rays and CT scans. He spent a night in hospital before being discharged.

Salisbury Journal: Cameron McCafferty after the attackCameron McCafferty after the attack

Ms McCafferty added: “When I saw him I broke down in tears, it was so distressing, he was all bloodied up and he wasn’t himself.”

She added: “He’s a really good lad, down to earth, he doesn’t deserve this. He hasn’t got a nasty bone in his body, he’s loving and caring but he was just left for dead. We really don’t understand why this happened.”

Although Cameron has been interviewed by police officers, his step-mum says he struggles to remember what happened.

However, the family are adamant it was two adults as opposed to two boys who attacked him. Since the incident, Cameron and his sister Chelsey, 11, have been off school.

“Chelsey usually goes with him but luckily that day she didn’t otherwise I could have two children in a coffin or two children in a serious condition in hospital.

“I know [keeping them out of school] is not good for their education but I would rather know they’re safe.”

The family are appealing for anyone with information to come forward.

The suspects are described as two men, approximately 6ft tall, wearing black clothing and face masks. One was also wearing a black puffer coat.

It is alleged that a lady walking her dog was in the area the day before the attack. The family are appealing for her to come forward as she might be able to identify the suspects who they claim were on the Skew Bridge on September 30.

DC Michael Boshier, from Salisbury CID, said: “We understand how upsetting this incident has been for the victim and his family – the injuries sustained were serious and obviously very concerning.

“The investigation has followed several lines of enquiry, an interview with the victim to ascertain the sequence of events that led to his injuries, as well as talking to those people who found him and were in the area at the time. Unfortunately, none of this has provided viable leads for further investigation.

“I would echo calls for more witnesses - if there is anyone who may have seen anything suspicious, or has relevant dash cam footage from the area at the time, we would urge them to get in contact so this can be considered for further investigation.”

Information can be provided to Wiltshire Police by calling 101 and quoting reference number: 54200098906. Anonymous information can be left via Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

DC Boshier also warned against the dangers of entering the chalk pit area, due to its unstable nature and dangerous cliff-type edges.