THE chief executive of Salisbury NHS Foundation Trust has announced she will be leaving.

Cara Charles-Barks MBE will be taking the chief executive post at the Royal United Hospitals Bath in September.

Speaking about her appointment, she said: "I will of course be very sad to leave Salisbury NHS Foundation Trust and the amazing people who work here. However now is the optimal time to hand over the leadership of the organisation as it continues on its journey to becoming an ‘outstanding’ Trust.

"As I will be moving to a neighbouring Trust, I look forward to closely following and supporting Salisbury’s progress in the future.”

Adding: "I am delighted to be joining the team at Royal United Hospitals Bath at such an exciting time and have been impressed with the passion and ambition that the staff have to deliver services of the highest standard, and to challenge themselves to do even better."

She joined Salisbury NHS Trust in January 2017. She was awarded an MBE for services to the NHS in recognition of her "exceptional and inspirational leadership" during the nerve agent attacks.

In a message to staff issued by Nick Marsden, the Trust chairman, said: “I regret to announce that our Chief Executive, Cara Charles-Barks will be leaving Salisbury NHS Foundation Trust to take up a new role as Chief Executive of Royal United Hospitals Bath in September.

"Cara joined Salisbury NHS Trust in January 2017 and has led the Trust through some challenging times, none more so than the Novichok incident in March 2018 for which she accepted an MBE in recognition of the outstanding contribution by all staff.

"Under Cara’s leadership the Trust also moved from a CQC rating of ‘Requires Improvement’ to ‘Good’ in March 2019. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Cara for her commitment, passion and leadership – she has been instrumental in moving our trust towards ‘outstanding’ and will leave behind an organisation that is completely committed to continual improvement.”

The process of recruiting a replacement will be starting immediately.