A BOWLS club that has closed due to lack of members after more than 40 years could become an ice rink, according to the city council.

The club in Victoria Park has been empty since the end of March and now the council is running a questionnaire to find out what people would like to see in its place.

Rules state the property must be used for recreation, and the council has put forward a number of suggestions for its future use, which include: a community space for hire, a shop/cafe, an outdoor gym, children's splash pool/play fountains, a preschool and an ice rink.

Like many clubs in the city, Salisbury Victoria did not pay rent on its council-owned premises.

In 2008 it boasted approximately 50 members, but that number dwindled to around a dozen by the time it eventually closed.

Last year councillors raised concerns that taxpayers were not getting value for money as membership was so low.

City clerk Reg Williams said: "Despite a number of recruitment campaigns they were down to a core membership of about 15 which meant the club was not sustainable in any way.

"They reluctantly therefore took the decision to close down."

To give your views about what the former club should be used for, visit salisburycitycouncil.gov.uk/latest-news/item/victoria-park-bowls-club-consultation