Councillor Jo Broom is the new Mayor of Salisbury for 2014-15.

The practice manager and lead nurse practitioner at Salisbury Walk In Centre has been a city councillor since 2007.

What three words best describe you?

Passionate, stubborn, determined.

What do you wish you were good at?


If you could meet anyone from history, who would it be?

Florence Nightingale.

What would you never leave home without?

My phone.

Do you have any children?

Daughter, Dana and son, Marcus.

What has been your proudest moment?

Being a mum.

What one thing could change society for the better?

People being more considerate of each other.

What’s your guilty pleasure?


What was your first job?

Waitress in a coffee shop.

What is your favourite film?

A Beautiful Mind.

What is your pet hate?

Shop assistants talking to each other when they are supposed to be serving you.

If you were choosing a last meal, what would it be?

Sunday roast followed by apple crumble and custard.

Is there a place in the world you would like to visit above all others?


If you were stranded on a desert island what luxury would you choose to have with you?


If you had a million pounds to give away what would you do with the money?

I would share it with family and friends.

Tell us about a pet you own or would like to own.

Welsh border collie called Scrappy.

Who was your first love?

Donny Osmond.

If you could take over someone’s job for the day, whose would you pick?


What is your favourite word?

Thank you.

And your least favourite word?

Any swear word.