What three words best describe you?

Optimistic, unpretentious, enthusiastic.

What was the first record you bought?

Penny Lane, by the Beatles.

What is the radio/television show you hate to miss?

Life on Mars, although unfortunately they’re not planning to make any more episodes.

What is your pet hate?

Loud, vociferous people who complain a lot.

If you could change one thing about the place where you live, what would it be?

A beautiful, manicured green lawn with stripes and a large dressing room where my wife could keep all her clothes.

What are you reading at the moment?

Our latest Ofsted report – it’s very good.

Is there anything you are superstitious about?

I have no superstitions at all.

What is your favourite word?


Is there a place in the world you would like to visit above all others?

India and Sri Lanka.

What do you wish you were good at?

DIY and cooking; I’ve been practising both for decades and I still can’t manage either of them without breaking something.

If you could meet anyone from history, who would it be?

Lord Beeching – to make him realise how his total lack of vision resulted in the desecration of the finest railway network in the world and led to the concreting over of much of the English countryside.

What would you never leave home without?

Cash, debit cards and credit cards. I have an irrational fear of losing them and never let them out of my sight.

If you could make or change any law, what would it be?

I would make it a criminal offence to hold up a long queue of slow moving traffic; banning caravans from the road would be a good start, then providing more off road cycle lanes would come next.

What was your first job?

When I was 16 I walked into town after my last GCE exam and was offered a job at the first place I went in to – it was on a building site.

If you could take over someone’s job for the day, whose would you pick?

Michael Gove, the Secretary of State for Education, so that I could put the case for more investment in state schools.

What worries you the most?

Lack of funding for the education system, particularly the fact that Wiltshire schools don’t receive as much money as schools in most other English counties.

What one thing could change society for the better?

It would need a lot more than just one thing – but you could start by abolishing stamp duty on house purchases. Who on earth thought up something as stupid as stamp duty?

What is the most common misconception about you?

I’m not aware of too many misconceptions but I think some people expect me to be some kind of stern authoritarian person because of my occupation. They seem surprised to find when they meet me and I am just very ordinary and down to earth.

How did you meet your significant other?

At a tedious, boring training event which ran on until late in the evening after a long day at school. She was there as the clerk, taking minutes. I helped her with the washing up afterwards as an excuse to get talking to her.