A STUDENT from Salisbury is skydiving for charity as part of her role as a Miss London City finalist.

Madeline Lawson, 19, who is a student at Roehampton University, has to raise money for charity as part of the competition and she has decided to skydive, despite being terrified of heights.

All funds raised will be donated to Beauty with a Purpose, a charity that donates to local and international organisations in aid of disadvantaged children across the world.

Miss Lawson said: “I am terrified of flying and heights but I wanted to do something that really pushed me. I didn’t want to do something easy.”

She is one of 17 young women in the semi-final of the competition and has a chance of being crowned Miss England if she makes it through to the finals.

To donate, visit uk.virginmoneygiving.com and search for Madeline Lawson or to vote for her to get through to the next stage of the competition, text MISSLONDON11 to 64343 or call 0901 299 3779 and quote MISSLONDON11.