SALISBURY Cathedral School performed the show Bugsy Malone on March 13, 14 and 15. More than 100 pupils took part in the show and each night was a sell-out.

Our producer, Jane Greenfield, was extremely pleased with our efforts and everything ran smoothly. By the end of each night, we had beaming parents, ecstatic children and a proud (and relieved) Mrs Greenfield.

Each rehearsal was filled to the brim with singing and acting and, before we knew it, our efforts went from reading lines on paper to the hilarious rivalry between ‘the hoods’ in 1920s New York.

Bugsy Malone involves a good amount of ‘splurging’ and we didn’t only use custard pies. Oh no! We had some brilliant ‘splurge guns’ created by a parent, Mr Bao-Smith. These went down a real treat with everyone, especially Mrs Greenfield who ended up covered with shaving foam on the last night.

Now that the play is over, I realise how much effort everyone put in and how lucky we all were that we had such an amazing producer. Mrs Greenfield really was ‘our rock’ and none of it would have been possible without her.

I would like to thank her, and the whole cast, for giving me some wonderful memories. Well done everyone – we certainly did ourselves proud!

 By Flavia Collyer-Powell, Year 8