A CONCERT hall in Torquay erupted into cheers as Verwood Concert Brass learned it had beaten relegation to the second section.

The band’s A team, who had only been promoted to the first section in 2009, were fearful a bad result at the West of England Brass Band Regional Finals Competition could put them down again.

The band sent more than 60 green-clad members to the contest, at which they competed with 74 other bands. The A Band had to be in the top six to avoid relegation.

Chairman Helen Dunnings said: “Only the top six bands are announced and nerves were put on edge.

“With placings announced in reverse order, the sixth-placed band was announced, then the fifth, then the fourth and with a number of highly-ranked bands still to be placed, all was looking lost for Verwood Concert Brass.

“Continuing with the results the announcer said ‘In third place is band number seven’ but few in the auditorium would have heard him complete his sentence as the band had already erupted in rapturous cheering, hollering and outright abandoned celebrations as we realised we were not only saved from relegation but had achieved our best ever result at the regional finals.”

She added: “With so many players clad in the VCB green jackets or waistcoats the nickname of ‘The VCB Green Army’ was coined and has kind of stuck. There was a very real danger of being relegated back to the second section and a very good result this time was absolutely imperative.

“Although players’ nerves must have been on edge, especially given the pressure they were under, the band performed seamlessly and all the soloists executed their pieces with flare and precision.”

See all three bands of Verwood Concert Brass at their spring concert on April 27 at The Hub. Tickets from the Hub are £8. Players of all standards can join the band.