THE number of parking permits being given out in a Salisbury residents’ parking area means drivers can’t park near their homes, according to people living in the area.

And a review has been launched by Wiltshire Council after claims conditions on planning permission are not being enforced when it comes to handing out residents’ parking permits.

Justin Smith, who lives in James Street in the city’s parking zone D, says his research shows there are 505 parking spaces in the area but 659 permits have been issued.

He said the problem has arisen due to a number of properties in the area being converted into flats and permits being issued to residents, despite councillors placing conditions on planning permission that the number of permits issued should not exceed those that would originally have been issued for a single dwelling.

“Parking services check the vehicle is registered to the owner and check a utility bill as proof of address,” he said. “But there’s no mechanism in place for them to check if there is a planning condition attached.”

Ward councillor Richard Clewer said: “Parking in zone D is extremely tight and it has been getting worse. I have been told that when a house has two permits and is then sub-divided into four it should still have two permits. But when they issue permits they only check the address.”

A Wiltshire Council spokesman said: “The council always tries to respond to local views, and in the light of recent concerns about limited availability of on street parking in some parts of Salisbury, the issue of parking permits will be reviewed.

“With regard to planning applications for new housing or the subdivision of existing homes in zoned areas, all representations about existing parking problems will continue to be given due weight and be fully taken into account in the decision making process.”