AN Easter hunt with a difference is coming to Salisbury to raise money for the Trussell Trust.

Rather than eggs, participants are being asked to track down posters showing shopping trolleys that can be found in and around the city centre.

The trail of clues will start at the Trussell Trust shop in High Street.

Entry forms are available from the shop or the Trussell Trust’s shop in St Michael’s Road for £1 and everyone who returns their completed form to the charity by Saturday, April 6 will win a chocolate egg.

Throughout the hunt people will be asked to collect foodbank facts, and everyone who is successful will be entered into a prize draw with £50 gift vouchers up for grabs.

The Easter Trolley Hunt comes as a warm up to The Trolley Push, a national event being run by the Trussell Trust. A specially modified shopping trolley will visit almost 50 foodbanks across the country, from Cornwall to Scotland, in an attempt to raise awareness of the problem of hidden hunger in the UK. The trolley will be starting its journey in Salisbury on April 8.