AN annual talent fest at the Burgate School has been hailed the best ever.

Year 11’s Alex Crossley was crowned winner with his own composition, with judges praising his natural performance style and the creativity of his original composition.

Judge Josh Clark from Remedy Sounds, a professional musician who has performed at the O2 arena, said: “Alex is welcome to gig with me whenever he wants, because if you put him on stage, you know the crowd are going to be impressed.”

The other judges were Sophia Burghart of Fordingbridge Dance Studios, Gary Proctor, a professional musician who has performed with the likes of Queen and Jess Ball, the winner of the contest last year.

They placed The Halapenos – Ollie Manston, James Francis, James Rattcliffe and Freddie Manston – second for their rock covers, and Jorge Fraser third with his Diablo act, winning £200, £100 and £50.

Teacher and organiser Stephen Hill said: “The ten acts pulled out all the stops and the judges had an incredibly difficult decision.”

Plenty of staff performed at Friday’s talent show, supported by the Davy family, who did the lights and sound.

Mr Hill added: “I have been involved in organising Burgate’s Got Talent for five years now and I can honestly say that Friday night’s final was the most spectacular show we have ever seen.

“I would particularly like to pay tribute to the current Year Elevens. This year group have always enthusiastically got involved in the competition.”