A SIX-YEAR-OLD girl from Salisbury is holding a raffle to raise money for Red Nose Day.

Charlotte Roper, who is in Year 1 at Wyndham Park School, wanted to raise money for the charity after watching a television programme about its work with her mother, Donna.

Charlotte is holding a raffle, with three toy hampers as prizes, after her uncle, Jody Hall, who owns Spire Tire & Auto Ltd, donated toy vouchers.

She is asking for donations of £2 per entry into the draw and although she has already raised more than £100, she is appealing for help to reach her £200 target. There are three hampers up for grabs, one worth £50 and two worth £25, which Charlotte will help to put together when the winners have been picked.

To sponsor, visit justgiving.com/donna-roper, where the winners will be announced on Monday.