ON February 21 Winterslow & Firsdown WI (a member of the Figsbury Group) celebrated its 90th Birthday with a 1920s themed party in Winterslow Village Hall, and this coincided with the Figsbury Group’s New Year Party.

The president Pat Cudby welcomed all the members and extended a special welcome to guests from Bourne Valley, Laverstock & Ford, Idmiston & Porton and Nether Wallop WIs.

She told us that in 1923 in order to join the WI you had to be 30 years old minimum, be married, and indeed married to someone of local substance. Almost all those present had dressed in 1920s costume, which presented a wonderful spectacle and lent much to the occasion.

After a short business meeting and presentation of birthday posies to Jean Howden, Lilian Mossman and Caroline Morgan- Jones, members were entertained by The Padwicks who performed a wonderful selection of words and music from the 1920s period.

A surprise followed when seven members of the Winterslow WI performed a very energetic Charleston which the audience enjoyed so much, they did a reprise.

Members and guests then sat down to a sumptuous tea provided by the committee and members themselves.

Val Britton had made a very large and beautifully decorated cake, the cutting of which completed the afternoon of celebration.

The annual meeting will take place on March 21 at 2pm at Winterslow Village Hall when members will be asked to elect a new president and committee.

The competition will be for an old toy and there will be a raffle.