THE March lecture was given by Lord Carnarvon, the great grandson of the 5th Earl, famous for his discovery of the tomb of the boy Pharaoh, Tutankhamun.

Together with another archaeologist Howard Carter, the 5th Earl spent years excavating in Egypt, but with limited success.

However, in 1922 Carter and Lord Carnarvon found steps and a passageway leading down to a sealed door. This proved to be the door to the antechamber of the tomb. This exciting discovery made news throughout the world.

More recently, in 1988, a cupboard was discovered at Highclere Castle, which contained a number of Egyptian objects, previously unknown, but now on display.

Lord Carnarvon also spoke of filming at Highclere, made familiar to viewers as Downton Abbey. The audience were interested to hear that his great grandfather’s love of archaeology continues to the present day, as Lord Carnarvon himself is a keen collector of ancient objects.

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