THE most exciting news this week has been the decision by the MoD to sell the Erskine Barracks site to a consortium led by the Wilton Community Land Trust (CLT).

The decision comes after 18 months of hard work by the Wilton group who have partnered with OurEnterprise, a community-minded developer, and Redrow, an established housebuilder, to put together a competitive bid for the 40-acre former Land HQ site. It is heartening when months of discussions, lobbying, and public meetings result in such a positive outcome.

Congratulations are due to Suzanne Butters and Ken Taylor (among many others) who have driven the concept of the Community Land Trust – the first in Wiltshire – to such an exciting conclusion.

Their pragmatism and realism in accepting the need for 450 houses – while having the determination to ensure local environmental and design principles are observed in its development – will serve the community well for generations to come. I hope that the CLT concept can be copied elsewhere in south Wiltshire so that more local communities can shape their own futures.

In recent weeks I have been reminded of the deep wells of community spirit that exist in Salisbury.

After a night sleeping out in the Cathedral Cloisters for Alabaré, I visited the charity’s impressive drop-in centre and accommodation at Damascus House in Barnard Street.

Alabaré’s concern to provide a secure home for the homeless as they find their way back to independence keeps in focus the need for all of us to help those who, often through no fault of their own, find themselves in difficulties.

On my way to London this week I was happy to help “unveil” the latest creation of the QinetiQ apprentices at Solstice Park, as part of National Apprenticeship week.

It is encouraging to know that more than 100 apprentices are engaged at this valued local employer, providing world-class training over four years, with all but one of last year’s final year apprentices securing full-time employment with the firm.

This Friday will be spent visiting the Salisbury Cathedral School, and the New Forest planning authority.