SPORTS clubs can apply for funding to help encourage new people get into sport thanks to two new grants being offered by Wiltshire Council.

Clubs can apply for up to £400 to help set up a Return to Sport or Sports Stars project.

The Return to Sport programme has been developed to encourage adults to get back into sport, or to try a sport for the first time.

The Sports Stars programme works on a similar basis but the target audience is young people aged five to 16 years.

There are three deadline dates throughout the year for both initiatives, the end of June, end of October and end of January. Both funding pots will be open for sports clubs to apply from April 1.

Stuart Wheeler, the council’s cabinet member for leisure, said: “The grants offered through the Return to Sport and Sports Stars programmes will enable clubs to offer a high quality coaching scheme.

“At the end of the projects, clubs will provide opportunities for participants to continue to be involved in the sport on a more regular basis.”