SNOW and treacherous travelling conditions caused the cancellation of the January meeting. It was fortunate that Bridget Duff, the speaker in January, was able to reschedule her talk for the members’ meeting in February.

Mrs Duff, a dietician at Salisbury District Hospital, titled her talk Diet and Better Bones.

She explained the features and functions of the human skeleton, the bones being 14 per cent of total body weight.

Weight-bearing exercise, such as walking and dancing, as well as a diet rich in calcium, strengthen the skeleton.

Mrs Duff displayed a large selection of foods with high calcium content. A diet that provides 700mg of calcium daily is recommended.

White bread (but not brown) has iron and calcium added by law. Skimmed milk contains more calcium than semiskimmed or full cream and cream is not a good source of calcium.

Green vegetables such as broccoli, dried fruits (especially figs), sardines and pilchards with the bones, nuts, some breakfast cereals, eggs and margarine are all high in calcium.

President Iris Lawes thanked the members who had organised the evening and provided the buffet.

A pub lunch had been booked and various events and outings were announced.

The AGM will be held in March.

The institute meets at the Band Hall, Gravel Close, Downton, unless otherwise indicated. A warm welcome awaits new members and visitors. For further information please contact Iris Lawes 01725 511553.