THE Wiltshire Horsewatch scheme, which is run by Wiltshire Police in partnership with members of the public, has received 100 new Horsewatch security signs from the British Horse Society.

The signs will now go to victims of crime, existing and new Horsewatch members across the county.

PCSO John Bordiss of the Rural Crime Team said: “By displaying Horsewatch signs you inform people that you’re a member of an active Horsewatch scheme and you take security of property and horses seriously. “We want to see new signs attached to fences, gates and buildings across Wiltshire and you can help us achieve this. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter, links to both are on our Wiltshire Horse Watch website.” The scheme, which informs equestrian establishments of equestrian and rural crime related issues in the county, gives information and confidence to horse owners and seeks to act as a deterrent to crime.

Wiltshire Horsewatch members receive updates on equine related thefts and suspicious incidents and are quickly alerted via text alerts and email.

Affiliated to UK Horsewatch Alliance, the scheme is open to individual horse owners and large professional, competition and business yards. Wiltshire Police Rural Crime Team also co-ordinates Farmwatch and together the two schemes have nearly 3,000 contacts throughout the county, acting as 'eyes and ears' to help protect the rural and equine community. For more information visit or email police co-ordinator PCSO Bordiss at