Salisbury Journal - Memorials

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Death Notice

Bernard Henry Gales

Published on 20/06/2024

GALES Bernard Henry Passed away peacefully at the RD&E hospital, after a short illness, on Monday 27th May 2024, aged 97. Beloved husband of Susan and the late Audre'e (died 1974). Loving father of Chris, Jenny and Sue, grandfather to Anthony, Alex, Martin, Tim, Emily, Lucy and Marcus and great grandfather to Zephyr, Toby, Rollo, Lilah and Archie. Funeral service to be held at Morchard Bishop Church on Friday 28th June at 3pm. Family flowers only please and donations in lieu for the Church funds and the Devon Air Ambulance Trust can be given by retiring collection, or to A. White & Sons, Albert Road, Crediton, EX17 2BZ.


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