THOM Belk catches up with Brit-award winner Kate Nash, whose third album Girl Talk has just been released with a band including Salisbury bassist Emma Hughes.

TB: Has leaving your previous label and setting up your own record label allowed you to be more expressive with your music?

KN: I’ve just kind of felt like I was on this steam train for a while and that you were either on it with me or not but I wasn’t stopping for anyone.

I had plans to make the record in March with or without the label’s support and permission and I wrote to them and said ‘I really need to do this, it’s make a record or check into a mental health clinic’, and they understood.

Things didn’t work out though and I got dropped half way through the year, which was initially scary, but now I am so relieved not to be in that environment.

I think that labels can do amazing jobs for artists, and I had a great time working with a lot of the people at that label but there’s just pressure on pressure on pressure on pressure on everyone and that’s not a healthy environment.

Running my own label is awesome because I can hand-pick a creative, positive, hardworking group of people.

TB: Underestimate The Girl started trending on Twitter after its airplay, I liked how it got people’s attention with a sound not previously heard from you. Is this what we can expect from the new album?

KN: I think it’s definitely in the same thread. It all has this kind of urgency about it and is super raw. I was just going through a weird emotional time and I’m much more led by my heart than my head.

Music is like therapy for me so, in a way, the writing process was pretty thoughtless – all the thought came after the songs were written. I still write pop songs essentially, the songs just have a rougher more punk edge to them this time.

TB. Your story has been followed closely in Salisbury since the addition of Emma Hughes to your band. What advice can you give to any budding musicians?

KN: Just be yourself and don't worry about trying to play like someone else. I’m personally really attracted to someone’s own style and personality.

If you come across as genuine and passionate then people will want to work with you. That was the first thing I liked about Emma, so when she was an awesome player on top of that I was obviously relieved.

I also think being open to trying new things is really important.

Emma is a great team member because she is so helpful on all levels. She gets stuck into everything. She’s excited and positive and helps create a nice atmosphere for everyone on the road.