Jerome Kern’s output is world-famous – almost everyone will recognise at least some of his work – and alto Jacqueline Boatswain, soprano Hannah Robertson and tenor Andrew Halliday delivered these classics with consummate skill, more than ably accompanied by Stuart Hutchinson on the piano.

I must admit, however, that I was expecting a little bit more glamour, given the era of this music.

I think it was three years ago that I attended the Christmas review in the Salberg. It was a truly delightful evening, with small, individual tables and a bar which was open during the performance, giving an overall effect of a 40s-style cabaret.

I did expect a bit of glamour on Friday evening – nothing over the top, but some indication of the period. There was nothing – no sets, no glam outfits, nothing, and the Salberg, undecorated, is stark. And the production is billed as “a cabaret celebration of Jerome Kern”.

Another disappointment was the non-appearance of Kit Hesketh Harvey. The programme states: “Narration by Kit Hesketh Harvey.” I, and many others, took this to mean he would be present. This was not the case. He had written the narration and the singers and pianist did the narration. Kit is a very funny man and I had assumed he would be the link between the songs.

All this being said, the songs are beautiful and the singers did them proud, although personally I think it takes a baritone to pull off Ol’ Man River.

I just think that, with very little effort, it could have been another fantastic evening.

Anne Perks

The Way You Look Tonight continues until January 16.