FLAUTIST Sally Stocks joins Salisbury Symphony Orchestra next week as guest soloist in Bach's Orchestral Suite, No. 2.

This will be the first time Sally, a renowned flautist, has played with the orchestra, and she will play on a Spanish flute made by Miguel Arista.

Sally lives in Salisbury and has premiered several works by leading composers, performing in many prestigious venues. She teaches flute at Godolphin School and Marlborough College.

Most of her performance work is centred on chamber music and concertos, and she has recently recorded a CD of flute and piano music with Paul Turner.

"I am thrilled to be playing with the Symphony Orchestra," Sally said. "It will be fantastic to perform to a home audience."

The orchestra's programme on March 8 at Salisbury's City Hall is exclusively of German music, and will start with the thrilling Rienzi Overture by Wagner, showcasing the orchestra's brass section.

The concert will conclude with the thoughtful Symphony No.3 in F Major by Brahms, ending the concert in peace and serenity. Sir Walter Alcock, organist of Salisbury Cathedral, formed Salisbury Symphony Orchestra in 1917 as Salisbury Orchestral Society.

It is a community orchestra made up of accomplished amateur musicians, mostly from the Salisbury area.

The orchestra aspires to the highest level of musical performance under its conductor, David Halls, who is also director of music of Salisbury Cathedral.

"I am really looking forward to working with Sally Stocks on the beautiful Bach Suite," he said.

Tickets for the concert are available at the box office. You can buy Sally's CD from the Collectors' Room in Endless Street, Salisbury.